Confined Space Welding
Confined Space Welding
In addition to conventional welding, Advance provides comprehensive Confined Space Welding that strictly adheres to all OSHA regulations. Our staff receives extensive training on air monitoring and on the use of harness apparatus to enable the entrant to safely enter (and egress) through a manhole. Once inside the confined space, OSHA certified and trained professionals at Advance can:
Under strict safety regulations and control, the team uses:
The air inside is continuosly monitored and tested for carbon monoxide and oxygen levels to be sure it is suitable for human life. Because our personnel are also fully trained for hot work in precisely maintained temperatures, an air compressor provides clean, filtered, supplemental oxygen into the work area as needed. Outside the confined space, an attendent continually monitors the progress and frequently communicates with the entrant.
In the unlikely event of an emergency situation, Advance has a fully trained in-house rescue team able to respond immediately.